Daniel Smith Alvaro Castagnet Master Set
Daniel Smith is proud to release a Master Artist Set of the 10 Extra Fine Watercolors that world respected artist Alvaro Castagnet loves the most. This unique 10 color set is your opportunity to experience the colors on Alvaro’s palette! Sized to offer you a great value, Alvaro’s Set includes NEW Burnt Sienna Light, a color formulated specifically for Alvaro.
Included are 1 (5ml tube) each of:
- Hansa Yellow Deep
- Mayan Orange
- Ultramarine Blue
- Cobalt Blue
- Viridian
- Yellow Ochre
- Burnt Sienna Light
- Neutral Tint
- Deep Scarlet
- Pyrrol Red
Hansa Yellow Deep: With a touch of orange, this is a pure chroma color with high-tinting, semi-transparent organic pigments. is considered the ‘perfect yellow’, a fact which offers more control when mixing.
Mayan Orange: Hot and intense! Use it straight from the tube for a blazing red-orange. As you add water, the color remains strong and disperses very evenly.
Ultramarine Blue: Intense, pure and subtly granulating, it stands proudly alone pure blue without shading to any other color.
Cobalt Blue: Power with every drop. Cobalt Blue is a neutral, non-staining primary blue which subtly modifies most pigments. Considered a “mixing pigment”, its transparent nature can cast a giant reticulating shadow.
Viridian: This transparent non-staining pigment is an excellent glazing pigment. It’s a cool blue-green useful in mixing without staining other pigment particles and for soft edges.
Yellow Ochre: Is a stunning gold hue, bright and clean yet true to its earthy nature. It’s non-staining, can be lifted easily to create highlights and has a predicable soft granulation in washes – Alvaro.
Burnt Sienna Light: A beautiful, transparent hue. It is permanent, it has power and it breaks down Ultramarine Blue perfectly. Burnt Sienna Light is fabulous when you want to place cool colors on top. I use it when I am going into my darks where I drop it into Ultramarine Blue (included in the set) or Alizarin Crimson to create magnificent darks -Alvaro.
Neutral Tint: I use Neutral Tint because it grays down any hue rapidly so I can go directly into my rich darks, while maintaining the original chroma. By itself, Neutral Tint is not special, but the moment it mixes with a neighboring hue you get a rich, more active, interesting color – Alvaro.
Deep Scarlet: Deep Scarlet is a powerful tint and is perfect for undercoats when painting cool gray shadows. I’ll put a wash of Deep Scarlet and then once it dries I drop cool washes on top so the shadows will glow! When mixed with Neutral Tint it gives me a very juicy color that allows me to go into my darks very quickly – Alvaro.
Pyrrol Red: This fire engine red is cleaner than Cadmium or Permanent Red. It is a modern synthetic-organic pigment which, while close in value to its cousins the Perylenes, disperses more evenly and is less granular.