2025 Kokuyo Jibun Techo Days mini (B6 Slim)
The newest addition to the JIBUN_TECHO, the DAYs planner is the only daily planner in the lineup.
With a unique and versatile format, the DAYs offers an easy, fun way to plan and record your days.
Like the JIBUN_TECHO Standard, the DAYs planner uses KOKUYO's own THIN paper. Lightweight and low in show-through, it resists warping even when you rub out erasable ink.
New whole-year notebook format
Based on feedback from users, it is switched from a six-month to a whole-year format.
24- hour timeline runs down the center of the page
The new design lets you keep two separate logs side by side, such as your work and family schedules, or your to-do list and life log.
It's now easier to customize schedules to suit your own needs.
Dates and days are printed on the top
The trouble with a conventional page-a-day planner is that it’s difficult to see whereabouts you are in the week. We’ve solved the problem by making your position within the week intuitively obvious.
Divided in 2 books for portability:
The DAYs planner comes as a set of two six-month diaries. Each of these is about the same thickness as a regular JIBUN_TECHO DIARY, making it easy to carry around.
3-year calendar, Yearly schedule, My dream the year, This year’s events, 100 wishes list, Free list, Monthly schedule, Monthly project, Daily page, Looking back on the year, Notes
"Cover with a soft touch:
The soft-touch polyurethane cover comes in a range of muted colors.
Monthly log & habit tracker:
Now you can track your habits more easily by logging your data every month so you can look back on it later.
Free list:
This can be customized to suit your own patterns of use. Set up a monthly to-do list, a want list, or a list of things you'd like to do, to name a few examples.
Weekly schedule, Monthly block schedule and projects, 2-year calendar, Yearly schedule, My dream the year, Free list, Looking back on the year