Holbein Artists Color Pencils // 12 Colors (Basic Tone)
Bring your artwork to to life with this classic set of basic toned coloured pencils from Holbein. Rich and creamy these coloured pencils are not only a dream to look at but also to draw with!
Holbein color pencils are lead kneaded with pigment, wax, fats and oils, etc. is dried and put in the thin central canal of an axial pencil frame of wood. Holbein's Artists' Colored Pencil made from carefully selected fine pigments is a soft oil colored pencil; therefore, it is adjusted to meet artists' high demands. As color material, it enables you to paint rapidly necessary colors one after another without soiling the hand.
- Color spreads well, for the lead is soft.
- It can be used for daubing the whole surface of paper uniformly with a thick lead and also for drawing fine lines smoothly with a tapering lead.
- Excellent light resistance
- High-grade pigment is selected carefully, and it exhibits little fading or discoloration by light.
- It can be used together with watercolor or acrylic color, for it fixes well to any kind of paper.
This set contains:
OP042 Carmine
OP048 Orange
OP057 Burnt Sienna
OP147 Canary Yellow
OP180 Burnt Umber
OP251 Apple Green
OP264 Holly Green
OP323 Aqua
OP347 Cobalt Blue
OP441 Violet
OP500 White
OP510 Black